Case Studies

Scottish and Southern Energy
Background Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution is a British company. They aim to deliver a safe and reliable supply of electricity to the people who live and work in the north of Scotland and central southern England. If something unexpected causes a power cut in any of their network areas, its their job to fix it as quickly and as safely as possible. To make sure the lights stay on SSE invest millions of pounds in the electricity infrastructure every year. Examples include major construction projects to upgrade the transmission network in the north of Scotland and so support the growth in renewable generation, or innovations designed to help SSE move to a low carbon future... Read More

E.ON UK CHP is part of E.ON UK, one of the UK's leading energy suppliers and part of the E.ON group, the world’s largest investor owned utility company. E.ON UK CHP owns and operates the combined heat and power interests of the Company. E.ON CHP have invested over £480 million in larger scale CHP schemes in the UK and currently provides customers with more than 577MW of electricity and 948 MW of heat.
Project 1
Generator Multi-Site Contract
E.ON UK CHP plants are integral to industrial processes such as Chemical or paper making. As a result of the diverse range of plants & equipment there was identified, by E.ON CHP, a need for specialist contractor... Read More